Vision Éternel Photo Shoot In Wexford
Vision Éternel went out this damp spring evening for another promotional band photo shoot in celebration of its 10-year anniversary. This photographic session was impromptu as a heavy fog settled over the Laurentian Mountains at dusk. Accompanied by our trusty photographer Rain Frances, we drove out to Wexford as quickly as we could. By the time we made it, most of the heavy fog had lifted and the sky had gotten darker. But the atmosphere was pure cinematic; like a natural blue tint had drenched this scant river valley, as it awakened through the ice melt after a cold Canadian winter. With these prime conditions, the grain in the photos were innate, alluding to an era almost 100 years prior; 1920’s German Expressionism during the Weimar Republic.
The stills turned out looking like they came from a well-worn film reel of the 1920’s, complete with blue night-scene tinting. This photo shoot was highly influenced by Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, Fritz Lang, Walter Ruttmann, Fritz Arno Wagner, Lotte Reiniger and even Alfred Hitchcock’s early work. Such films that come to mind, “Das Cabinet Des Dr. Caligari” (1920), “Der Golem, Wie Er In Die Welt Kam” (1920), “Der Müde Tod- Ein Deutsches Volkslied In 6 Versen (1921)” (1921), “Nosferatu, Eine Symphonie Des Grauens” (1922), “Phantom” (1922), “Die Straße” (1923), “Raskolnikow” (1923), “Der Letzte Mann” (1924), “Die Nibelungen” (1924), “Die Abenteuer Des Prinzen Achmed” (1926), “Metropolis” (1927), “Berlin: Die Sinfonie Der Grosstadt” (1927), “The Lodger, A Story Of The London Fog” (1927) and “Spione” (1928). The visual presentation of photos also makes reference to artwork of Vision Éternel’s fourth EP, “The Last Great Torch Song“, released in 2012.

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