Vision Éternel Photo Shoot At Dominion Square
Tonight, Vision Éternel went out for a new photo shoot with graphic designer and frequent collaborator Jeremy Roux. After a quick bite at a local diner for cheesecake and coffee, it was out to fight the bitter cold of Canada’s long-lasting winter in the month of March. We found ourselves walking around Dominion Square Park in downtown Montreal, better known to the general public as the Dorchester Square Park, but Vision Éternel prefers to keep things old-fashioned.
Our visual influences were obvious for this photo shoot. We had two Alfred Hitchcock film noirs in mind, both of which were made with his go-to cinematographer for fifteen years, Robert Burks; 1953’s “I Confess” and 1956’s “The Wrong Man“. With this in mind, stills were snapped outside of the Mary, Queen Of The World Cathedral and outside of the impressive and always imposing Sun Life Building.
Postscriptum: This entire photo shoot (with the exception of one picture) was lost to a hard drive failure in March of 2012. It is because of this that we are not able to provide you more visuals.