Vision Éternel Mentioned In Soufferance Interview For Abridged Pause Blog
Vision Éternel was briefly mentioned in an interview with Alexandre Julien regarding Soufferance. The interview was conducted by Joanna Marinova for Abridged Pause Blog.
For archival purposes, the snippets of the interview which mention Vision Éternel are now presented here:
-Tell me more about your label Abridged Pause Recordings. When was it founded, what are its purposes for the near future?
Abridged Pause Recordings started in 2008 and I wanted to release other people’s music exclusively. I put out four releases by other bands before limiting it to only my music and music of very close friends. I’m very picky about who I chose to invest in. Bands nowadays think that they can record twenty-five albums a year of the same boring drone music and get some independent label to invest money into it. If I’m going to invest my hard-earned money, it has to be in a band I really believe in. That’s why I mostly release my own music now. I’ve released my projects Soufferance and Vision Éternel and I plan to release material from my latest band Citadel Swamp sometime in 2014. Bands of close friends that I hope to work with include Eliminator, Brainscan, or anything by Eiman Nejad. Valleys of the Living or anything by Howard Change. Black Autumn, Black Sand and Starless Nights or Beyond the Dune Sea would be nice as well.