Vision Éternel Mentioned In Book La Croche Lune
Vision Éternel has been mentioned in a book about ambient, post-rock and other gothic-influenced genre bands. The French book is called “La Croche Lune“, dubbed “Musique émotionnelle, mouvement gothique” and is written by David D’Halleine, a blogger who operates a webzine of the same name. The book is more of a commentary about David D’Halleine’s personal favourites and playlists and it is very nice to have mentioned Vision Éternel, several times. The snippets about Vision Éternel appears on pages 25, 55, 80, 251, 348 and 356.
The book is available in paperback or digital editions on Amazon, Google Books and Lulu. You can also check out La Croche Lune Songbase online.
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