Vision Éternel Hints At A Fifth EP
After many months claiming that 2012’s “The Last Great Torch Song” EP would likely be Vision Éternel’s swansong, Alexandre Julien hints that a fifth EP might be coming. The fifth EP is scheduled to feature seven songs, two of which have been written with a third underway. Alexandre Julien intends to dedicate this release to a girl whose initials are A.D., therefore making the first song on the release start with the letter “A”, as per the usual concept. The two finished songs feature guest musicians Monica Renteria, of the band Éphémère, and Valerio Orlandini, of the bands Symbiosis and Citadel Swamp. As with “The Last Great Torch Song“, Alexandre Julien plans to feature guest musicians on nearly all of the songs. If the writing of the EP goes according to plan, it should be finished by the end of the year and see a release for February of 2014 through Abridged Pause Recordings.