Rehearsal November 30th, 2009 Single Is Released
Vision Éternel has released another promotional single to get the word out about the forthcoming EP, “Abondance De Périls“. Due out on March 14th of 2010 through Abridged Pause Recordings, “Abondance De Périls” is Vision Éternel’s third EP. Earlier this month, Vision Éternel added a re-recorded version of “Love Within Narcosis” exclusively on Myspace for Valentine’s Day. The new promotional single, “Rehearsal November 30th, 2009“, is exclusively available for free download on Vision Éternel’s brand new Bandcamp page. It will only be available for a limited time. In the past, Vision Éternel has always tried its best to release new material in the month of February each year. But with delays in post-production and the deadline quickly approaching, Alexandre Julien decided to give something to the fans who were impatiently waiting for the new EP.
“There are two reasons why I am releasing this to the public. First of all, it is to introduce Vision Éternel’s new Bandcamp page, which holds all of the material released by the band, in high quality for free download. The second reason is serves as a gift to all fans, as an apology for the delay in releasing the newest EP “Abondance De Périls”. I hope that this rare opportunity to hear unfinished products will be appreciated by all you fans! It is now late February 2010 and I assure you that the new EP will be out in March!
Rehearsal listing:
01 Thoughts As Naïvety
02 Love Within Narcosis
03 Love Within Extended
04 Season In Absence
05 Thoughts As Solicitation
06 Love Within Extended”
The new rehearsal was recorded this past November during the forthcoming EP’s recording session. It contains variations of two songs from the debut EP “Seul Dans L’obsession” (“Love Within Narcosis” and “Love Within Extended“), one song from the second EP “Un Automne En Solitude” (“Season In Absence“) and two songs from the forthcoming EP “Abondance De Périls” (“Thoughts As Naïvety” and “Thoughts As Solicitation“).
Download the limited edition promotional single, “Rehearsal November 30th, 2009” on Vision Éternel’s Bandcamp page.